This article demonstrates how to establish a connection between and Quickwork.
What you'll need:
Skill level: Easy
Time required: 3 minutes
- account
To connect your account with Quickwork, follow these steps:
- Go to Quickwork and choose the app from the App drop-down field under the Steps section.
- Choose an action of your choice.
- Click on the Link an account button to establish a connection.
- The Connect to window will pop-up asking you to enter the Access token of your account:
- To get the token, log in to your account. You'll be taken to the account dashboard where you'll see a list of recent jobs if you have created. Click the Access Token tab on the left-hand side panel:
- In the Access Token window, you'll get one of the following two options to get the token:
1. GENERATE: If you haven't created access token yet in your account.
2. REGENERATE: If you have created access token earlier but misplaced it. - Upon clicking any of the above options, a confirmation window will pop-up to generate the token:
- Click the REGENERATE NEW TOKEN button. The access token will get generated in seconds:
- Click the COPY TO CLIPBOARD button to copy the token and paste it in the Access token field of the Connect to window:
- Click the Link account button. Your account will get connected successfully.
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