This article demonstrates how to establish a connection between EXEMPTAX and Quickwork.
What you'll need:
Skill level: Easy
Time required: 3 minutes
- EXEMPTAX account
To connect your EXEMPTAX account with Quickwork, follow these steps:
- Go to Quickwork, click on the Simple Action button under the Steps section, and choose the EXEMPTAX app from the Apps list. There are no triggers for this app.
- Choose an action of your choice.
- Click on the Link an account button to establish a new connection.
- The Connect to EXEMPTAX window will pop up containing the API key field:
- To get the API key, log in to the EXEMPTAX account, and click on the settings icon on the top right corner of the screen:
- Click on API Keys in the left side menu and then click on the Get API Key button. A pop-up will be displayed with the name field. Give a suitable name and click on Confirm:
- Your API key will be displayed on the screen:
- Now paste the copied credentials in the Connect to EXEMPTAX window:
- Now, click the Link account button. Your EXEMPTAX account will get connected successfully.
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