This article demonstrates how to establish a connection of WordPress with Quickwork.
What you'll need:
Skill level: Easy
Time required: 3 minutes
- WordPress account
To connect your WordPress account with Quickwork, follow these steps:
- Go to Quickwork and choose the WordPress app from the App drop-down field under the Steps section.
- Choose an action of your choice.
- Click on the Link an account button to establish a connection.
- The Connect to WordPress window will pop-up asking you to enter the Base URL, Username and Password of your WordPress account:
- To get these details, log in to the cloud-based hosting website on which your server for WordPress is present. For this demonstration, we have used a Cloudways server. From the menu on the top left corner, select Servers:
- You will see a list of your existing servers. Click on the www button on the right. From the list, click on the name of the application you wish to use. In this case, it is Trial Application:
- Once you click on your application name, you will see the details related to your application. In the Access Details section, in the Admin Panel, you can find your Base URL (Admin Panel -> URL)
The Username and Password required are those associated with your WordPress account. Copy them to use in Quickwork: - Paste these details in the respective fields in Quickwork:
- Once all the required inputs have been specified, click on Link account. Your WordPress account will get connected successfully.
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